Home Software Google Chrome wants an even faster Web

Google Chrome wants an even faster Web

Google Chrome wants an even faster Web
Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Google wants to do even more to drive speed on the web: after a first shoulder based on the moral suasion of the penalty on the search engine, now the attempt passes from Chrome. In this case, Google prepares the field for novelty by announcing experiments aimed at greater user information about the speed of access to a site.

The idea is to add to the mobile browser some graphical indicators that emphasize the slowness or speed of loading a site so that the user can be better informed and the site manager himself can be encouraged to improve their development. At the moment there is no single and definitive solution, but the tests are in progress. The idea is to have a splash screen on Chrome that identifies slow sites and a green progression bar that emphasizes the speed of others.

This choice would reduce the time in which the user remains in front of a loading site, but finding himself faced with a warning that points out that slowness is linked to structural problems of the site itself.

Google does not intend to identify slowness as a mere temporary circumstance, however: the browser will base its judgment on historical data, thus warning those sites that prove to have worse performance in the long run. Mountain View’s obsession with speed, therefore, continues: Google wants to have a Web that is always faster and more responsive and based on this the origin and success of its browser. The new attempt goes further in this direction, creating new pressures on sites that have not adapted to the wishes of Big G.



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